
Jet Story will take care of managing your plane so that you can relax and enjoy your flight.

Managing an aircraft

Managing an aircraft is a package of extremely important activities related to its exploitation. These processes start with a careful selection of the onboard staff. The requirements for our pilots are set very high. We care about recruiting pilots with a great flying experience, some specific personality traits and impeccable manners. That is why every pilot has a specified training programme that they need to go through in order to become a Jet Story pilot in the future.

One of the most important elements is training that focuses on flying a given type of plane. This basic training is followed by a traineeship on one of our planes. From that moment on, every pilot participates in a mandatory simulator programme every six months. That's another example of Jet Story regulations being stricter than the air traffic regulations in force.

A tailor-made uniform and special attention to our passengers' comfort and wellbeing perfectly complement the captain and the first officer of the Jet Story aircraft. The requirements are equally high when it comes to our flight attendants, who take care of our passengers throughout the flight. Once our onboard staff start flying with us, they enter a complex system of work time management defined in aviation regulations, determining their availability for flights and the system of trainings and monitoring their health conditions. We do all of this in order to maintain the highest level of security and quality of services provided by Jet Story. Managing an aircraft is not only about the onboard staff. On the one hand, it is about being responsible for the aircraft, its equipment and precise onboard documentation, as well as making sure that all the devices and navigation data necessary to perform flights are up to date. On the other hand, it is about the validity of operations that are conducted according to the regulations included in the operations manual of the air carrier.

Supervising the operations also refers to providing reasonably-priced business trips and accommodation whenever it is necessary to transfer our staff to the airport where the plane is based.

There is a separate entity called the Aviation Safety Management Team, the task of which is to monitor and ensure the highest level of security at all the stages of aircraft management. The team in question constantly analyses flight parameter records, supervises the control procedures related to onboard staff working hours and deals with the issues of excessive wear of certain parts or incidents, such as bird strikes that may happen during the initial and the final stage of the flight. As far as safety is concerned, Jet Story company is continually audited by internal services, as well as aviation authorities and external companies. The fact that we pay so much attention to safety-related issues and to the general quality of work in our aviation company has been appreciated and rewarded with various certificates and awards.

Flight management

Flight management is a very versatile service provided by Jet Story. It is directly related to planning and performing flights by an aircraft. Jet Story Operation Management Centre works 24/7 – our employees work in shifts.

When planning a flight, once the destination airport has been determined, the dispatcher team analyse flight routes according to specified flight corridors, taking factors such as flight parameters (mass and balance, quantity of fuel and range etc.), meteorological conditions, avoiding conflict zones or dangerous areas, airport requirements and dozens of other variables that affect the safety of performing a flight into account. The next stage is obtaining a range of permits for take-off, overflight and landing at the destination airport.

The flight planning service also includes the planning and purchase of the aviation fuel, even in the most exotic corners of the world, as the fuel that we take on board must meet the highest quality standards. The Ground Operations Department contracts the fuel supply for all the flights. Many years of experience and signing beneficial contracts allow us to choose the supplier who offers the best price for the highest quality of fuel. Quality standards regarding fuel and related services that we have introduced at Jet Story meet the strictest requirements during the audits conducted by the Civil Aviation Authority. A wide range of companies that we cooperate with, as well as the expertise that we have acquired by planning flights for the past ten years allow us to pick out the right sub-suppliers of fuel so that we can minimise the risk of delays and paying extra taxes that can be legally avoided.

Refuelling a plane also entails the obligation to report and account for CO2 emission. This complex procedure is also carried out by the Ground Operations Department. Flight management also consists of supervising an aircraft while it is on land, at foreign airports. Apart from permits for flight operations, it also implies organising passenger transfer, supplying utility water, garbage collection or toilet service.
The pre-flight activities also include ordering meals, beverages or magazines according to our passengers' preferences. After the flights have been performed, the Ground Operations Department controls the accuracy of the fees for on-land services, fuel and other services and accounts for passenger taxes.

The Operations Control Centre is in continuous contact with air traffic services, border control authorities and customs authorities. The team responsible for performing these tasks consists of people with great experience and passion. It is also worth mentioning that, apart from our national carrier, Jet Story is the only company on the market with its own Operations Control Centre and the only one that performs flights across the Atlantic.

Continuing airworthiness management organisation (CAMO)

Continuing airworthiness management organisation (CAMO) is a process of managing the continuous airworthiness of an aircraft according to the European Commission Regulation (EC) No 2042/2003 of 20 November 2003 based on the legal regulations of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). It entails preparing a Maintenance Programme dedicated to a given aircraft, further monitoring and ensuring that the aircraft manufacturer's recommendations, as well as the airworthiness directives issued by aviation authorities.

 In practice, this process involves the continuous monitoring of the aircraft condition and the level of wear of thousands of different parts whose service life is mostly measured in operation time (flight hours) and sometimes may depend on the production or installation date. Based on the Maintenance Programme, the certified CAMO Jet Story organisation issues recommendations regarding the routine maintenance or replacement of certain parts or even full sets of components.

Task cards with recommendations are transferred to the certified Maintenance Organisation PART-145 in order to be performed. The procedure is similar in the case of non-scheduled tasks, namely, current repairs and dealing with malfunctions reported by the crew. In such cases, the actions are preceded by the analysis of the malfunction cause performed by experienced Jet Story engineers who, in consultation with the specialists from the aircraft manufacturer, determine the scope of works necessary to remove the malfunction.

It happens that the malfunctions occur far away from our base, at an airport that is often thousands of miles away from the home airport. If the malfunction is so serious that the aircraft must stay on the ground until it gets fixed, it means that we are dealing with an AOG (Aircraft on Ground) situation that is given the highest priority. This often requires an engineer to be sent there in order to determine the cause of the malfunction and repair or replace a given part. Thanks to our own Logistics Department, transporting new parts and organising the repair procedures can be done immediately, which allows us to minimise groundtime and related cost.

The activity of the CAMO Jet Story organisation is one of the most important aspects in terms of aviation safety, therefore, it is subject to an extremely strict programme of audits and quality monitoring systems.

The main tasks of the CAMO Jet Story Organisation are:

  • Preparing and holding the aircraft maintenance programme, including the reliability programme
  • Determining the scope (in the maintenance programme) and supervising the pre-flight inspections
  • Organising the process of the Aircraft maintenance programme approval and sending the copy of the programme in question to the Ordering Party
  • Organising a "bridge inspection" using the previous Aircraft maintenance programme
  • Following the recommendations and monitoring the full maintenance process performed by the approved maintenance organisation, Part 145
  • Ensuring that all the airworthiness directives of an aircraft are followed
  • Making sure that all the malfunctions detected during the routine maintenance, airworthiness inspection or reported by the Ordering Party are removed by the approved maintenance organisation
  • Coordinating the routine maintenance, following the airworthiness directives, replacing parts with a limited service life and respecting the requirements regarding component inspection
  • Informing the Ordering Party every time about the fact that the aircraft needs to be delivered to the approved maintenance organisation
  • Managing all of the technical documentation
  • Archiving all of the technical documentation
  • Organising the process of approval for any Aircraft modification according to the Appendix (part 21) of the Regulation (EC) No 748/2012 before implementing such modification
  • Organising the process of approval for any Aircraft repairs according to the Appendix (part 21) of the Regulation (EC) No 748/2012 before performing such repairs
  • Coordinating the issuing of the extension or the renewal of airworthiness certificates and equipment-related certificates
  • Performing the airworthiness inspection of an Aircraft whenever it is required and issuing the certificate of airworthiness inspection or the recommendations for Aircraft registration
  • Writing reports of all the events that are indicated in the relevant regulations

Thanks to our experience, the implemented management systems, as well as the passion and commitment of our employees, you can feel reassured about your safety. Under our supervision, all the aircrafts are maintained in a great condition, while keeping full control and predictability of the expenses.

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